national environmental training institute

Can I Get My Mold Testing Certificate Online?

Getting your mold testing certification is a great way to get started in the industry. With that being said, not everyone has the time to attend classes in person. If you’re currently working elsewhere or do not have a location convenient to travel to, then maybe it is time to ask the question, “Can I get my mold testing certification online?” The answer is yes. However, there are a few variables that you need to be aware of before you commit to anything. 

Mold Assessor Certification

There are two different types of certifications you can get online in the mold industry. There are courses designed to help you understand the in-and-outs of mold assessment and remediation. 

Licensed mold assessors inspect homes and identify where the problem is and how to solve it. Believe it or not, not all mold is the same. Different types of mold release different spores into the air. Because of this variation, inspectors are required to help remediators accurately address the problem. 

In short, getting a mold assessor certification will give you the skills necessary to identify what the issue is and discern how to address it. 

Mold Remediator Certification

On the other side of things, you have the mold remediator. As mentioned before, remediators are the ones who eradicate the problems after they are identified. Without them, homeowners would have no way of addressing the mold or its source. 

Getting Your License

Getting your license online is not all that different from in-person classes. After paying a small entrance fee, you will have to attend a two-day class period. Keep in mind that if you wish, you are able to go for both certifications at once. Doing so will eliminate any communication problems that could be present between a remediator and the assessor. Once you are finished with the course, you can take a state licensing exam for either certification. 

An important note to remember is that your certification license expires every two years unless you provide the state with a certificate of completion from an accredited education provider. With that being said, there are a lot of great classes out there that provide this very thing. 

Looking for a Training Institute?

If you aren’t sure how to go about taking classes or the licensing examination, call us today. The National Environmental Training Institute (NETI) is a state-certified training company offering Mold Remediator and Mold Assessor training. NETI also offers continuing education units (CEU’s), certification, and licensing. 

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