national environmental training institute

How to Renew Your Mold License

If you are in the business of mold assessment or remediation, it is important to know your state licensing requirements. When is a mold license legally necessary, how often should you renew it, and how do you renew it? Let’s take a closer look at when and how to renew your mold license.

Which States Require Mold Licenses?

First things first: not every state legally requires mold remediators and assessors to be licensed. It might sound crazy, but the only places where an official license is necessary are New York, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. That said, a mold license is still a helpful tool no matter what state you live in. It provides some evidence that you know what you’re talking about, which in turn provides your customers with peace of mind.

If you plan on going into the mold business, we strongly recommend that you do your research, take the proper classes, and further your education in the field.

How to Renew Your Mold License

License renewal laws vary depending on the state. However, mold licenses and certifications typically expire after 2 years have passed with no further education in the industry.

All that means is that to keep your license, you must take a training course by an accredited mold assessor and remediator before your license expires. Additionally, you will have to fill out a simple renewal application and pay a renewal fee. If you are late in renewing your license, you might have to pay a slight late fee.

If you don’t live in a state where mold licenses are legally required, renewing your license serves a different purpose. First, it shows your clients that you care about furthering your knowledge. It makes you more trustworthy, knowledgeable, and reputable. Second, it actually does further your knowledge. The most important quality of an independent contractor is the desire for growth. Unfortunately, you can’t grow without learning.

The Importance of Furthering Your Education

So, how exactly can you go about furthering your education? Now is a perfect time, as much of the world has gone virtual for COVID. You can choose from countless online classes, seminars, licensing examinations, etc. without ever leaving your home.

The benefits of involving yourself in these online classes include the following.

●     Improve your marketing.

The more you know about the industry, the easier it is to market and reach target audiences.

●     Increase your credibility among clients.

Ever wonder why your doctor hangs his/her degrees on the office wall? Because people like to know they can trust professionals in the industry. Furthering your education only fuels your clients’ trust in you.

●     Connect with like-minded professionals.

It’s easy to get discouraged, especially when you own a small business during a pandemic. That is why it’s important to connect with, encourage, and be encouraged by others in your shoes.

●     Learn from reputable leadership.

Additionally, obtaining or renewing your mold license allows you to learn from those who have been where you are.

●     Experience opportunities to grow and move forward.

Growth begins with you, and it doesn’t happen without effort. Fortunately, furthering your education opens a whole new world of possibilities for you and your business.

Are You Interested in Becoming an Independent Contractor?

If you aren’t sure how to go about taking classes or the licensing examination, call us today. The National Environmental Training Institute (NETI) is a state-certified training company offering Mold Remediator and Mold Assessor training. NETI also offers continuing education units (CEU’s), certification, and licensing.

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